Household Hacks That Make It Easier To Keep Your Home In Good Shape

Published on 11/30/2020

4. Use A Tape To Achieve A Perfect Caulk Edge

It is annoying when you can’t figure out how to make the ideal direct edge when you use caulk. If this is an issue for you, grab a painter’s tape. The trick here is to get rid of the tape when the caulk is still wet! Once it dries, it will not detach from the surface easily and leave a broken line. That’s all there is to it.

Use A Tape To Achieve A Perfect Caulk Edge

Use A Tape To Achieve A Perfect Caulk Edge


5. Use A Potato To Unscrew Your Broken Lightbulbs

We bet that you have once broken a light bulb in the socket. It sucks, and you should be very careful about the removal process. After all, you do not want to hurt your fingers as you try to clean it up. Simply chop it in half and use the soft side to pick up the shards. Keep doing this until the entire area is free from broken glass. In case it needs to be said, you have to put on gloves and switch off the lights.

Use A Potato To Unscrew Your Broken Lightbulbs

Use A Potato To Unscrew Your Broken Lightbulbs