How To Get The Most Out Of Your College Experience
Your college years can be the best time of your life if you take advantage of every opportunity your school has to offer. While the main purpose is to get good grades and succeed in academics, that doesn’t mean you can’t have a flourishing social life. Speaking as someone whos a recent college grad, I can say first hand these years go by way too quickly. It is important to take advantage of every opportunity, to get the most out of your college experience.
Attend Sports Games
Even if you’re not a football fan, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t participate in the festivities. Especially if you attend one of the Big Ten schools then its important to get into the school spirit, which means showing up to tailgates decked out in your school’s color and spirit attire. This is a once and a lifetime experience and can be so fun if you choose to integrate into the school’s community! This is also a great way to meet friends and expand your social circle.
Join Clubs
Whatever it may there are always so many clubs at your disposal. Interested in chess? There is surely a club for that! This can be a great way to take time off from studying while still engaging with other students. Sometimes you need to let off some steam and doing so while participating in a fun hobby is the perfect way to achieve this.
Ask Questions
There is so much to learn from in college inside and outside of the classroom. This is a huge change from living at home with your parents. If you have questions about anything from cooking to cleaning to the class material, don’t be afraid to ask! Your teachers and mentors are there to help you so don’t be shy and ask away!
Visit Other Floors
While you may be devoted to your dorm room and dorm, floor keep in mind that there are so many other floors with students eager to make friends. The best thing about college is meeting people from different backgrounds, who share more similarities to you then you would expect. Don’t be shy to knock on someone’s door and say hello, they want this more than you may think.